Pop Neuron - An Analog Artificial Neuron Network
a workshop by Wolfgang Spahn
If one wants to build his own electronic analog artificial network a lot of Pop Neurons are needed. But two neurons are a good start.
In the Pop Neuron workshop we build the most basic possible artificial neural network, which is a pair of an excitatory and an inhibitory neuron. When they are mutually coupled these two start to oscillate. This oscillation can be used as an organic synthesizer and listened to. The interesting part of this organic synthesizer is that when coupled with others they start to go in synchrony.
After building and experimenting with our own pair of neurons, we connect all our oscillators and discover patterns of coordination and synchronization.
The circuit we build in this workshop is based on a neuro-scientific
model of interacting neural populations from Shun-Ichi Amari and is designed by Christian Faubel and Wolfgang Spahn.
29. November 2018
9am to 1pm
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Faculty Art & Design, Media Environments
Marienstr. 5, Room 304